Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's Time for Llizo!

No offense to BHS alumnus Bruce Eien, but I feel it's time for a change in the head coaching position at BHS and I nominate classmate Robert Llizo!! He lives nearby, working at Biola, and he can't do any worse!
Here's Brethren's latest score:
Saddleback Valley Christian 76, Brethren 32 (that's NOT made up)
Add to that a 46-6 loss to Riverside Christian to open the season followed by last week's 23-14 loss to Calvary Chapel!
This could be worst BHS team since my senior year, a team Robert was on, but I don't hold him responsible. I blame BHS's stupid policy that only seniors could have a mustache. That caused the person who would have been our starting QB, Angel Dominguez, to transfer.
My rant is over! I'm sure RichardJ, who I assume is a season-ticket holder and saw all three games, has his own opinion on this issue.


Richard J said...

As far as I'm concerned, it's always Llizo time! It would confuse the other teams, because I'm sure Robert would have all the plays called in Latin.

Saddleback scored 76 points? In one game???

I haven't been to a game yet this season. I don't like to say anything, but Jen meets with her parole officer on Fridays, so it's hard to get out to the games...

Michelle said...

I'm just personally upset that they got whooped by a school named Saddleback Valley Christian.....

I'm all for Llizo too!

P.S. Cap, love your new blog layout, colors and photo even though it's of Angel stadium, it looks great!

Anonymous said...

Saddleback Valley Score was WRONG!
35-20 was the real score.